Melissa Valdellon

How I’ve been helping myself the last year

So I’ve taken a break from writing for a bit to focus on reading, which has included expanding my knowledge, and learning more about what makes a person healthy and how to cultivate health on all levels – physically, of course, but also mentally and emotionally.

Over the last few years, that’s meant a growing list of literature that I feel has started to shape different parts of my life. It’s influenced how I consult with some patients about their health and lifestyle choices. It’s prompted me to incorporate some different or alternate ways of approaching health problems when I discuss patient care with my students. And of course, it has meant continuing to shape and change how I approach healing my own body and restoring it to health.

I want to share this list of resources with you: Health and Diet Resource Guide. This list has been eye-opening and instrumental in helping me personally overcome some recent health challenges as well as provide a guiding compass for me as to how to prevent the health concerns that affect multiple family members on both sides. While it doesn’t cover everything I have learned (I haven’t included podcasts or summits I’ve listened to or watched), I wanted to make sure I shared some of what I feel is essential information needed to help you help yourself and your patients.

I hope that you find this guide is a helpful starting point for you. If you have any resources you think should be on this list, let me know! I’m always wanting to learn more too. And if you’re interested, I also put together a list of texts regarding money and finances that I used to educate myself that I’d be happy to share.

Cheers to you and your development!

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